June 22

How to Get Over a Breakup and Find Happiness


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How to get over a breakup? The previous relationship was a huge disappointment. I’ll bury the past. I’m moving on. I’m starting a new relationship. This time it will be completely different. I do not admit failure. And the carousel spins again …

To forget. Maybe you are also trying to forget about a painful experience after a failed relationship. By forgetting and trying not to look back, one usually means suppressing his or her painful memories inside and so he consciously tries not to think about them and especially not to admit them.

But the subconscious along with emotions has enormous power. Of course, this starts to show, for example, in bad feelings, annoyance, distrust, doubt, inattention … Well, you comfort yourself: “I don’t think about it anymore, I have buried it, I don’t look to the past …”

And in the meantime, one is quietly devoured by own unpleasant feelings, which he or she tries so hard to suppress.

It is important to recognize that these are our own feelings, and programs in the mind, and we are the only ones who can process them, and get rid of them. No one from the outside environment will do it for us. Do you expect a miraculous prince on a white horse to come and disenchant you from your own curse?

In our unsuccessful relationships, it is the partners who, through their behavior, show us best what we have unsolved in ourselves. They aim at our unhealed sore places and unpleasant memories of the past.

Read also: 10 tips for positive thinking

And so, we still carry our subconscious programs and stored injustices from the past. These then affect our current life and self-confidence and will continue to affect it until we process these programs!

I see you may say:

But how to get out of it?

How do you handle those limiting programs and the annoying emotions we’re talking about?

If you are looking for a way to solve this, take advantage of the unique opportunity to process your worries simply.



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