July 8

Start a healthy lifestyle and improve your health!


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  • Start a healthy lifestyle and improve your health!

A healthy lifestyle is a commitment for a long time. But you can start doing the following steps today. And they are the ones who will make today’s day healthier than yesterday and that will lead to an even healthier tomorrow.

1) Find out how you’re doing with a healthy lifestyle

Take a visit to your doctor. Find out your exact weight and the height and circumference of your waist, calculate your BMI, and find out if you are not overweight. Assess how often you do some exercise and how intense, how diverse your physical activities are, and how much you enjoy them. Create a diet diary and write down everything you eat in a day. Monitor your mood and energy.

2) More movement

Find an activity that you enjoy. If this makes you happy, go somewhere with your friends. Keep records of your activities. Make marks in the calendar or diary on the day you practiced. Set a weekly goal for your activity.

To boost your self-confidence, set the first task very easy, it should be something you can playfully handle. Weekly goals are better than daily goals because you may miss one day and if you have a daily goal set and you fail, you will feel guilty.

Read also: 10 tips for positive thinking

With a weekly goal, you can catch it up on another day. Reward yourself with something at the end of the week.

3) Healthy and varied diet

Try changing your approach to food. Realize that it is always your choice. But do make healthy eating self-torture and get rid of all remorse. Avoid hunger, always carry something healthy to eat. Because if you’re hungry, you’d rather choose something unhealthy than a salad to drive it away.

Slow down and enjoy your food. This will satisfy you mentally and at the same time, you will have far less appetite. Vegetables and fruits are very important, try to plan to eat something healthy at least 5 times a day.

4) Beware of stress

We each deal with stress in our own way, there is no guaranteed recipe for everyone. Thus, you have to find the right one for you, but the advantage is that there are really a lot of guidelines available.

It helps to breathe deeply, for someone it is physical activity, for others one’s relaxation with pleasant music, etc.

Also, try gradually changing your approach to the issues. Is the thing that is stressing you so important that you will be interested in it in a year? Or it won’t matter anymore? And does it really matter now? Is it worth the stress? And will stress solve something?

5) Better sleep

Do not watch TV or the computer for at least two hours before going to bed. The light they emit awakens our brains. Also, do not do any strenuous activity before bedtime.

Plan your sleep schedule. If you can’t fall asleep at the same time, at least start getting up at the same time.

You may be more tired in the first few days, but this will gradually lead you to learn to go to bed the way that you are not getting tired. And don’t rely on that you sleep fill over the weekend.

If you have a busy week, you may benefit from sleeping longer over the weekend, but only once. However, if you do this often, your body will begin to feel the effects of a sleep deficit.

6) Improve your relationships

Think about what your social ties are. If you want to improve your relationships, you must first evaluate what they are like. Surround yourself with people who are like you, with whom you have a lot in common.

You can be inspired by them and thanks to them you will get to know yourself. Be with people, socialization is very important. If you have a lot of friends online, there’s nothing wrong with that.

But it is definitely good to go out with the “real” people once in a while – it is still a slightly different way of communication and it is not good to get out of it completely.

7) Get rid of worries and problems

In order to start a healthy lifestyle, you also need to get rid of old and dysfunctional beliefs that cause you worries and problems and thus deprive you of life energy and worsen your health.

Do you want to know a way to get rid of your worries and problems that prevent you from living a happy life?

At the same time, do you not want to solve your problems with someone else or attend some therapies repeatedly?


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