Now is time for you to be happy and successful

Get inspired by my story. See how I got out of trouble and enjoy a happy life now. And how can I help you achieve great results in life as well? If you also want to see my qualifications, check my competencies below.

Story of my life

From hell up to the stars. My life has evolved in a strange direction since birth, as my father satisfied his sexual urges abusing me when I was a child. After one of his aggressive sexual assaults, when I was 4 years old, I got close to death - a little girl unconscious, lying in the woods, torn clothes, bruises, bleeding torn crotch and horror, fear, humiliation and pain inscribed in wide eyes.

At that moment, I wanted only one thing - to die. But it wasn’t my time yet. Still, something got stuck in me, it froze there deep, and in the years to come I took away the belief that "he hurts me and no one will help me".

With these "gifts", I stepped forth to meet the life and this was reflected in future experiences. For example, my first sexual encounter, after which I ended up in the operating room and I was in danger of dying of bleeding. Or my terrible relationships. Men hurt me, cheated on me, didn't respect me, and treated me coldly.

But it couldn't be otherwise, since I myself was like an ice queen. I was so tragic that I couldn't even grab the boy's hand, not even let him know how I felt about him. Strong and proud outwardly, but with pain and desire for love inside. 

At the age of 26, I was attacked by two men in Spain, they beat me and wanted to rape me. I don't even know yet how two police car patrols appeared at 4 o'clock in the morning in a remote park to arrest them. But I have believed in guardian angels ever since. This experience was a major turning point to. The two went to jail and I decided that no one would hurt me anymore. That I deserve men to respect me, love me, and treat me with tenderness and respect.

After this other terrible experience, my first steps led to a psychologist. After a few consultations, he informed me that I was a wise woman, that everything was reasonably arranged in my head, and that there was actually no reason to work with me further. Yeah, I really had everything in order in my head, but I still felt miserable. But, what to do about it? I realized that the psychologist would not help me, because I didn't just want to talk about the problems, I wanted to solve them.

Then I discovered truly working methods for processing my emotional programs. They helped me a lot. I was obstinate and in a short time I handled a lot of my unpleasant emotions and limiting subconscious programs. But the greatest horrors were still buried deep, deep in my subconscious. It was necessary to go back to childhood and go through it all again. Therefore, I also started working with my inner child, when I was able to go to the bone, open the greatest pain in myself, live through all the madness from childhood and thus finally get this experience out of myself and ultimately solve it.

I understood that the best way to get rid of my fears was to face them. Because if you don't do it, you're literally killing yourself. Basically, fear eats you alive. The choice is yours. My 35 years of life have been very difficult and painful many times, but I don't regret anything that I went through. Every moment in my life was important to who I am today.

I found myself, my enormous inner strength, I began to respect myself, I finally love my body and my "Fifi" (i.e. my crotch), which I hated for years and now I just wonder what wonderfully pleasant things can be experienced thanks to it. I finally feel inner peace, satisfaction and I am happy. I didn't give up on men. I changed my own attitude towards them and thus they also started to treat me better. With love and respect.

I present my story here to be an inspiration for those who have gone through some similar trauma or for others who are worried about anything and looking for help. Despite all the evil, one can find satisfaction and happiness in life. I help with my intuitive therapies not only because of my knowledge of working methods, but above all because of my intuition and experience. My job is also a life mission for me.

I wish you all not to wait for a change. Start doing it yourself! Become a change for yourself.

Live your life to the fullest.

Simply Me

My name is Lida and I am a lecturer, therapist and author of unique Therapeutic dolls. I have helped hundreds of people to get rid of their problems and fears to achieve a happy life. Now I offer this opportunity to you as well.

My personal values are create meaningfully and to be oneself. Gratitude, humility and respect are essential to me. My philosophy is based on the personal satisfaction and motivation of each individual.

My Education and competences

Completed education:

University of Valencia, Faculty of Sports Activities - Physical activities and sport

Palacky University, Faculty of Physical Education - Recreology - Leisure time pedagogy

Masaryk University, Faculty of Sports Studies - Physical education and sport

Medical College - Physiotherapy

Completed licenced courses:

Course of experiential pedagogy

Personal and professional coaching and counseling 

Mindfulness Practitioner

NLP Practicioner

Life Purpose Coach

RUS Method therapist and lecturer

Completed seminars:

Soft-skills courses - teamwork, presentation skills, team leadership, art of communication, argumentation, time-management, stress management, strategic brand management

Healing your inner child seminar

Wim Hof Method

Practical experience:

Over the last 9 years, I have worked with hundreds of people during my personal counseling and life workshops. I also teach effective and simple technics thousands of participants in my online courses.

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