According to the test results, 68% of People suffer from Toxic Relationship!

Watch now if you want Do You Get Out Of A Toxic Relationship With A Narcissist! And stop being taken advantage of!

Get a proven steps that has already helped 16,529 people turn their Toxic Manipulative Relationships into Emotional Freedom, love and joy.

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You missed out!

As a therapist and lecturer, I've undertaken hundreds of consultations with clients. I can confirm that more than 70% of all issues were problems in relationships.

So, How Do You Get Out of The Toxic Relationship with a narcissist?

From: Lida Starling

So … why hasn’t it happened to you yet?

Come on … admit it.
This isn’t the first time you’ve been looking for a proven way to improve your relationship … is it?

When you read this to the end, you’re going to discover how to really improve your relationship and finally have the relationship you long for.

Hi, my name is Lida. And a few years ago, I was just like you …

"It's your fault!" He shouted angrily at me. He looked so threatening that I was afraid he would attack me and hurt me..

“What!?” I was so confused…I got a lump in my stomach as I watched his behavior…

You see, we were on vacation together. I was expecting to relax and spend beautiful romantic moments with my partner .. Or so I thought…

Well, it wasn't just this vacation. My partner didn´t support me at all. He even knocked me down and criticized me.

We had even a problem agreeing on something.

My partner was also jealous and tried to control me.

I felt horrible. I was worried and didn't know what to do with it. 

I felt alone, but at the same time, I was unable to leave the bad relationship.

But finally strong quarrels and accusations forced me to end the relationship.

I discussed it with my friends so many times. I read many books and advice in magazines about what to do to make the relationship work...

All the advice made sense to me...
And I saw others doing it.
All I needed was really working method to make my own relationship work.

I just had no idea how to get one…

The problem I had was that nobody taught me that.

My family relationships were really bad. And I adopted these dysfunctional toxic patterns, and it was reflected in my relationships.

But this moment on vacation was the turning point for me.

That’s when I decided I HAD to make a change...

  • Stop living the toxic patterns I took from my family. 
  • Stop listening to the advice of my friends and gazillion of tips in magazines. But find really working methods.
  • Stop reading tons of books about relationships ´cause it didn’t work at all. It was often confusing because the information was really different.
  • Moreover, in a toxic relationship you are playing a completely different game and need specific rules and strategies.
  • I even tried consultations with a psychologist. It cost $$a lot of money, but after many consultations, the effect did not come. 

But I continued to search for and that’s when I finally run into effective methods.

And guess what? This time it worked!

And that’s when I realized it wasn’t my fault! 

 No One Taught These Useful Methods At School Or In My Family!

No Wonder I Was Struggling!

For years, they had been telling me how I should behave and act in a certain way.

  • Also, in movies, you often see happy endings.
  • Instagram full of perfect couples.
  • Magazines full of proven tips on how to have great relationships.

And when I figured out that it wasn’t true, I was finally able to break out of their chains and get the results I deserved.

The real problem is our own negatively programmed mindset. I mean thinking and emotion. 

They were the ones keeping me from my happy relationships.

Once I learned how I create my problems through negative emotional programs.

And how to work with them and get rid of them that’s when I started to see the changes really FAST!


 But It Wasn´t Just Me.

 There Were Many People Struggling!

And that was the main reason why I started working as a therapist years ago.

If I know a way to get rid of worries and stop worrying, then I have to share it with others!

I completed hundreds of consultation with my clients, where I put together and verified the methods that truly work.

But during 1:1 sessions, I couldn't help so many people as I would like to.

And that’s why I created 20 Golden Rules.

This took a couple of months to create and cost me hundreds of drinks of coffee and long sleepy nights when I put information together.

But it was totally worth it. It makes dealing with toxic relationships so much easier!

All those years of suffering in relationships that hurt take energy and joy have gradually turned into relationships where there is love, joy, support, and mutual respect.

And even recovering from a toxic relationship after a break-up or divorce is a matter of one month. Not a year like it used to be.

 Take A Look At What These Methods Have Done For Others.

What my Clients wrote me:

"When I started, I didn't realize that it´would not only improve my relationship, but I´d also understand the causes of the problems and solve them so easily."

"Those methods are just great. It's so simple and yet versatile. It can be used for any problem ..."

"I love how simple it is! That´s, the moment you understand yourself, your thinking, and how we create problems ourselves... This is a real game-changer."

Lecturer, Therapiest and AUTHOR REVEALS...

20 Golden Rules

How To Deal With Toxic People

  • How to get rid of your worries, so that you can experience happier feeling
  • How to stop blaming others for your bad feelings
  • How to easily bring more well-being, peace and joy to your relationships 

Everyone can stop suffering from toxic relationships. Really! You too can discover effective ways to improve your partnership and family relationships, as well as in relation to yourself. 

What Are Others Already Saying About The 20 Golden Rules?

"Thank you for the 20 Golden Rules. It´s easy to read and nicely worked out. Practical tips that can be used instantly. I liked specific procedures and techniques aimed at someone who wants to further work on themselves. The information mesmerized me so much that I decided to go even deeper and continue with your great course.“

Hanne Muller

"Your 20 GR helped me a lot. I had to face a difficult breakup, which has plagued me for a very long time. In the bonus, you talk very properly about situations like that. What I liked most was the part of how you say that you need to immerse yourself in your inner child and thus solve your relationship problem. It was simple, but it helped me a lot.“

Kim Johnson

"For so many years, I've been struggling in absolutely dysfunctional relationships. If I only knew this before. If I had known these methods before ..... oh my, where could I be now?!

Alexandra Hills

As You Can See... 20 Golden Rules Has Already Helped Countless People Around The World...

The Question Is, Are YOU Next?

New 20 Golden Rules Shows 20+ UNKNOWN Secrets 

To Get Out Of The Toxic and Get Relationship You Long For...

  • Reveal how your thinking is causing problems, so you can get rid of them easily and quickly.
  • Process your strong negative emotions, so you can overcome divorce or break-up easily.
  • Strengthen your confidence, so you can feel loved and accepted.
  • Get rid of your limiting beliefs, so you can fulfill your dreams and achieve your goals.

And even you can do it on your own! 

All you need is a desire to work and this handy course:

  • A proven guide to your relationships loaded with useful tips
  • The instructions are always available to you.
  • The most effective way to work on yourself
  • You can work with it at any time and anywhere according to your needs

The "20 Golden Rules" have been used to improve thousands of relationships.

Help to fix every toxic relationship problem you can think of:

  • Criticism and humiliation
  • Jealousy and control
  • Lack of support and respect 
  • Constant quarrels
  • Inability to make agreement 
  • Intimidation and restraint
  • Break ups and divorces
  • Fear of closeness
  • Violence and abusement
  • And much more…….

When You Get This Best Selling 20 Golden Rules … Inside Of This NEW course...

Here Are A Few Of The Secrets You'll Discover For Only $7!

Inside of 20 Golden Rules I will be sharing with you 10 secrets to help you get the ideal relationship you long for!

Here's a sneak peak at what you'll discover inside of your course:

Importance of relationships

Family patterns

The 1+3P secret

Are you with the right partner?

When it’s time to break up

How to meet a new love

When you are single too long

Fear of relationship

Inner states

Connecting with love inside you

Plan to boost your relationship


BONUS: Relationship quiz


For the price of one coffee with a friend, you will learn more about relationships than ever before…. proven and working techniques. Not just the subjective opinion of another person.

And at the next coffee break you can share all the tips with your friends and be an inspiring relationship boss babe. :)

Okay. With that said, I hope you enjoy the course. I hope you use it.

I want you to give this into your hands because I know how this can transform your relationships forever.

There Is NO CATCH!

… why the price is so incredibly low just $7?

I know there are some websites out there that offer you something cool for free, but then stick you into some program that charges your card every month.

This isn't one of them.

There's NO hidden "continuity program" - and in case you're wondering why I'm doing this...

Well, there are actually a few reasons...

  • It's my way of saying thank you for being a dedicated subscriber.
  • Because (unlike other "guru's") I actually run real businesses online selling physical products and more... so because of that, it doesn't hurt me to share with you my best stuff.
  • I get another one of my products in your hands, and when you see how awesome it is, it should get you excited to buy other stuff from me in the future.
  • I wanna motivate you take at least little action. The price is really symbolic compare the information contained.

However, if you take out a payment card and invest, this little action will motivate you to got through the information...and action makes the magic happen.

Time Is Of The Essence....

This Is A LIMITED OFFER At This Price.

Here's why...

If this page is still here, then the offer is live. But I reserve the right to pull it down at any time.

This can go up in price at any time, especially if I decide to sell this as a full course (which is what I’ve done with other courses in the past).

Because of what you’re getting, we’re expecting a flood of orders.

Imagine how much you would pay for a session with a therapist if you wanted to address these individual relationship issues - distrust, underestimation, hassles, criticism, infidelity, humiliation ...

I´m sure $500 for repeated encounters with a therapist is still not enough.

  • How to get rid of your worries, so that you can experience happier feeling
  • How to stop blaming others for your bad feelings
  • How to easily bring more well-being, peace and joy to your relationships 

I’m not going to charge you $500. I’m only going to charge you $7.

Yes! It´s crazy. I know. I´m going to charge just this little money.

All It Takes Is ONE COURSE To Set You FREE!

You Must Act Fast!

There is nothing to wait for. Get Your Course Now

For an Incredibly Low Price $7!

If you really want to break free from the eternal cycle of unhappy relationships, order the Relationships Mastery and turn your desires for a ideal relationship into reality.

Click on the button "YES! I Wan Instant Access To The 20 Golden Rules and fill out the order.

When paying by card, you will receive your access immediately and you can start right away!

This Is Truly A Limited Offer, So Claim Your Instant Access Now Before It´s Gone...

Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and I hope you enjoy the course!


P.S.: In case you're one of those people (like me) who just skips to the bottom of the page, here's the deal:

I'm offering you my brand new course, "20 Golden Rulesfor to get rid of problems and achieve an ideal relationshifor just $7. Yes, the price is so low!

There's no catch... no gimmicks... You will NOT be signing up for any monthly program or anything like that.

So, fill out the order form below.

You won't regret it.

Fill Out the Order Form 

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This course provides valuable couching and transformative strategies and tactics that have been tested and using by author and many other people. Lida Starling is a lecturer and author that helps get rid of worries and problems with effective, proven and working methods and techniques. Testimonials shown are real experiences from paying users of the course. We makes no claims or representation that by using this course you will get rid of your worries and problems. We are not in any way responsible for your success or failure in applying them in practice, for your speed, medical condition, and conditions that they may experience. Throughout the online course, you are fully occupied and fully available for your actions, behavior, and decisions. Your success depends on several other factors that we cannot influence, such as skill opportunities, possibilities, knowledge, dedication, health status, etc. You can obtain information about the categories of personal information collected, and the business purposes for which the information is collected, by clicking links above.

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